This is PNG in the EYE, Gilbert’s Netmorf superfiction. Monthly token-gated episodes will appear here at You can subscribe at Hypersub. Prices are disruptive.
Subscribers receive an airdrop of the video CLARIFYING CATCH-UP SOLUTION, a highly informative briefing on the story so-far. You can read the seven episodes which precede the PNG in the EYE Hypersub for free at Netmorf's Mirror.
The first Netmorf physical is a Crowdmuse drop. Gilbert will soon be launching a PHYSICAL COLLECTIBLES Hypersub tier.
Backstory: Gilbert took over as CEO of Netmorf in August 2022. Since April 2023 they’ve been writing PNG in the EYE, an episodic history of the company at (Although the original introduction post is here.) PNG in the EYE is a fan-fiction for the 2021 NFT project Dotcom Seance.
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